Residential Solar systems

Solar systems for RESIDENTIALS

Residential Solar Rooftop Systems
Rooftop Solar Systems also known as Rooftop Solar Power Plants, which is an alternative form of Renewable Energy, is now readily being accepted and adopted for generating electricity by urban and rural population

Solar Energy is by far the most abundant Renewable Energy Source which is the reason behind it gaining popularity in cities and villages alike. Millions of homes and residential complexes are now installing Rooftop Solar Panels which are ideal for harnessing the abundant solar energy for power generation. Read below to know more about how to install Rooftop Solar panels for Home or Residential Use.

How it Works

1. The mechanism of working of the solar panels is that it absorbs the sunlight as a source of energy and then converts it into electricity.

2. The solar panels are composed of many solar cells – which are photovoltaic (PV). This is the reason why solar power panels are also referred as solar PV panels

3. It is these panels that absorb sunlight

4. Once solar energy is completely absorbed, a chemical reaction is triggered within the solar cells which release electrons coverts solar energy into direct electric current (DC)

5. An inverter then converts Direct Current produced by the solar panels to Alternating Current (AC) used in homes/residential buildings, as majority of household devices run on Alternative Current

6. A bi-directional meter measures energy used and excess energy produced

7. Excess electricity is fed to the grid